First hint of radiation

I met my radiation oncologist, Dr. Kenneth Russell, today for the first time. He immediately recognized my Brass Rat, so I definitely have a good feeling about him.
Radiation sounds like a pain. They basically strap me down in a Hannibal Lechter mask, attached to a board I lie on so I can’t move my head or neck, and they hyperextend my head so it’s like I’m looking straight up. Then they bombard my neck with X-rays for about 10 minutes. Insaaaane.
Looks like the main complication (long term) is likely to be that my major salivary glands on the right side of my neck are obliterated. So I may have less saliva in the future. Hopefully the ones on the left can pick up the slack.
As for the emotional distress, that’s mostly resolved. I’m thinking of buying a condo. It’s probably too expensive, but it’s pretty freaking sweet.
I was leaning alot more heavily towards it until today when my team of trusted advisors weighed in almost uniformly in opposition. It’s good to have a group as talented and deliberate as 5th West around.

4 thoughts on “First hint of radiation”

  1. Good thing you didn\’t ask me. I would have bought the damn thing myself, if my wife wouldn\’t kill me before it was time to move in…

  2. when you buy a condo, make sure there is space for me to store my stuff, and ill move in with you when im done with my travels 🙂

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