Chemo 2/6 complete

After spending a morning in meetings, I went for a delightful lunch with Heather (Indian Buffet followed by Ice Cream Cow Chips) and negotiated the vending of Dungeon Siege II. So that was a thumbs up outing if I’ve ever had one.
I dropped Heather back at The Code Mines and swapped her for Ali, who hanged out at The Hutch with me while I got my infusion. My neutrophils are back with a vengeance! They went from 420 / uL to 17,240 / uL (normal is 1800-7000).
So I’m pretty much indestructible at this point.
Anyway, the infusion was uneventful. I’m back home now. Just had a couple of slices of leftover pizza and 7 of the crazy vitamins my mother sent. I feel fline. The side effects don’t really start to hit until tomorrow, but hopefully I can manage some gyros and comics anyway.

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